Tailgate tips: 

  • Don't forget the solo cup guide. Leave the measuring cups and shot glasses at home, and drink responsibly with the guiding lines of a solo cup.
  • Save cups for the next home game and keep drinks from getting sipped by the wrong person by labeling your cups. 
  • Buy the classic 'Hello my name is...' labels and help your tailgate guests meet and greet.
  • Create sections in your party for easy organization. You should have a food prep area, food station, drink station, rest area, and play area.
  • Bring a basket that includes a football or two, some decks of cards, and other easy entertainment. This will keep guests busy while you wait for the game to begin. 
  • Opt for finger foods that guests won’t need silverware for. Fruit skewers, meat and cheese skewers, and even grilled veggie skewers are so easy. A  tent is always nice for providing some overhead cover. It's still really hot when football season begins and shade is needed in a parking lot.